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Wendy has worked hard to ensure that her students succeed. Take a look at what some of her students have to say about studying with her.



Ms. Wendy opened up new possibilities for me. When I first met her, I had just returned to Japan from Russia due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After spending 10 years studying and working in  the ballet theater in Russia, I had no idea what I could do in Japan. At that time, she introduced me to the Cecchetti Method through the ISTD and suggested that I study to become a qualified ballet teacher.​


Learning this new method with Ms. Wendy sparked a deep interest in me and inspired me immensely. She supported me not only in my teaching studies but also encouraged me to keep moving forward as a dancer.  I am now part of this touring company, where I apply all the knowledge I’ve gained and continue to acquire in  Ms. Wendy lessons. I am deeply grateful for her understanding, for opening the doors of becoming a Certified Ballet Teacher and for inspiring me to be a better dancer.


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Ms. Wendy trained and supported me through countless dance milestones, from every afternoon in the studio to performances and Royal Academy of Dance Examinations, always encouraging me to work hard and be the best dancer I could be. When choreographing, she knew my strengths and made them shine, in the studio, she knew how to motivate me never to give up on weaknesses.


Dance has always been a big part of my life, it introduced me to the perfect mix of art and sports, fitness and finesse. I couldn't think of a teacher who I enjoyed working with as much as Ms. Wendy - she truly made the studio my second home.



I was not able to continue dance training consistently through my grade school years and I was worried that when I returned to ballet after a long break that the teacher would shame me for being behind. However, fortunately for me, Ms. Wendy welcomed me back to dance class with open arms. She encouraged me and gave me a lot of feedback so that I could improve. I never felt like she valued me more or less based on my ability, which I think is very important for young people to build confidence- not just as dancers but as human beings.


She created a very warm and inviting atmosphere in class while still challenging us to work our hardest. I still remember how much my abs would ache after our jazz warm-up! I think my biggest take away from Ms.Wendy is that working hard isn't mutually exclusive with enjoying yourself and that you don't need to sacrifice kindness in order to have drive! 


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